
修士論文 卒業研究 公開成果


2023年度 (2024.2.16)
[1] 岩谷 隆寿 「果樹に作用する力学負荷を考慮した樹枝の支持位置最適化」
[2] 對馬 偉生 「電圧印加による腱へのアパタイト供給と組織石灰化に関する研究」
[3] 林 輝一  「イガイ足糸の強度試験に基づいた付着特性評価および付着力低減方法の提案」

2022年度 (2023.2.17)
[1] 井畑 礼  「着衣湿潤下における筋活動及び呼吸相の計測に基づいた繊細な動作時のパフォーマンス評価」
[2] 大村 昂也 「Force myography計測に基づく繰り返し動作中の筋疲労特性評価」

2021年度 (2022.2.17)
[1] WANG WEI 「Force Myographyによる筋収縮タイミング計測に基づいた運動パフォーマンスの評価」
[2] 太田 風輝 「電圧印加を用いた骨アパタイトコーティング技術の開発」
[3] 長堀 拓真

2020年度 (2021.2.10)
[1] 石井 健太 「自然環境において果樹に作用する力学負荷を考慮した樹枝の変形解析及び損傷評価」
[2] 長内 慧多 「局所的なアパタイト量制御に基づく骨強度向上に関する研究」
[3] 近藤 絢音 「装着型硬さ計測センサシステムを用いた下肢の筋持久特性評価」
[4] 柳沢 直希 「材料特性の違いがイガイ類の付着特性に及ぼす影響」

2019年度 (2020.2.14)
[1] 五十嵐 達也 「長時間の手指動作において筋疲労が前腕部筋活動に及ぼす影響」


2017年度 (2018.2.15)
[1] 齋藤 直也 「骨組織の力学特性改善に向けたアパタイト量の制御法」
成果公開:IJATにて論文公開、ISEM、バイオエンジニアリング講演会に て報告、後日談:関連成果を生体医工学会にて報告
[2] 仲河 翔平 「糖化処理が動脈壁の破壊強度特性に及ぼす影響」


2015年度 (2016.2.12)
[1] 小川 慧  「屋外歩行時における足底接触圧力・せん断応力測定システムの開発」
成果公 開:D&Dにて報告、APCBにて報告、後日談:関連成果をDMD2016(ミネソタ)にて発表
[2] 佐藤 邦明 「変形解析と力学応答計測に基づいた樹木枝の損傷予測」
[3] 長谷川 歩 「皮質骨の局所的な軟化処理による衝撃破壊強度の改善」
成果公 開:APCBにて報告、後日談:関連成果をバイオエンジニアリング講演会にて発表、JBSEにて論文公開




2023年度 (2024.2.13)
[1] 東 直伸  「ホタテガイの閉殻筋力推定による活力の可視化」
[2] 阿部 紘奈 「バレーボールにおけるオーバーハンドパス時の指先動作と筋活動評価」
[3] 久保田 恭平「チューブ状構造物の曲げおよびねじり負荷作用下における局所変形」
[4] 砂沢 雄大 「アルギン酸ゲルの複合構造化と力学特性評価に関する研究」
[5] 橋口 倫人 「電圧印加によるアパタイト着脱時の骨組織局所力学特性評価」

2022年度 (2023.2.15)
[1] 富永 諒  「電圧印加を利用したアパタイト着脱による血管壁の機械的特性の変化」
[2] 浜谷 昌大 「貝殻のひずみ計測に基づいた海洋二枚貝閉殻筋発揮力の推定」
[3] 松本康之介 「前脛骨筋トレーニングが筋活動および歩容に及ぼす影響」
[4] 涌井 悠  「装着型Force Myographyシステムを利用した上肢の筋負荷評価」

2021年度 (2022.2.9)
[1] 岩谷 隆寿 「果実負荷が作用する樹枝の枝吊り位置最適化に関する研究」
[2] 木村 比奈 「イガイ類の足糸付着形態観察と付着力測定に基づいた定着性評価」
[3] 對馬 偉生 「電圧印加によるアキレス腱の組織石灰化挙動に関する研究」
[4] 対島 蓮  「Force Myographyを利用したりんご栽培における身体負荷計測」

2020年度 (2021.2.16)
[1] 井畑 礼  「Force-myographyによるリズム動作時の筋活動特性評価」
[2] 太田 直樹 「樹枝の柔軟性を考慮した効果的な枝吊り」
[3] 大村 昂也 「屋外作業時の身体状態計測に基づいた安全管理システムの開発」
[4] 越智 博哉 「加熱処理温度の違いがムラサキイガイの足糸剥離強度に及ぼす影響」
[5] 田原 蓮  「電圧印加によるアパタイト形成が牛アキレス腱の力学特性に与える影響」
  後日談:東北支部学生会にて公開 *独創研究学生賞受賞*

2019年度 (2020.2.10)
[1] 高田 有沙 「加熱処理がムラサキイガイの足糸剥離強度に及ぼす影響」
[2] 福士 悠貴 「高吸水性高分子混合土壌の力学特性評価」
[3] WANG WEI 「筋発揮力向上のための外部刺激を用いた筋収縮タイミング提示システムの開発」
[4] 長堀 拓真 「力学試験および数値解析を用いた多面体構造の変形特性評価」

[1] 長内 慧多 「骨強度改善に向けた組織表層部脱灰処理法」
[2] 柳沢 直希 「表面加工によるイガイ類付着抑制技術に関する研究」
[3] 近藤 絢音 「圧力センサを用いた装着型筋硬度評価システムの開発」
[4] 石井 健太 「結実に伴う果樹枝の変形負荷評価」

[1] 五十嵐 達也 「手指動作解析のための前腕部筋活動計測」
後日談:関連成果を東北支部学生会にて発表  *独創研究学生賞受賞*、修士へ
[2] 中村 悟 「髄核の変形を考慮した腰椎椎間板モデルの力学特性評価」
[3] 田中 景一郎 「電圧印加によるミネラル誘引が血管壁の力学特性に与える影響」
[4] 仁藤 尊徳 「積雪沈降を考慮した樹枝の変形計測とシミュレーション」

[1] 須藤 僚真 「ムラサキイガイ貝殻粉末の農地融雪特性評価に関する研究」
[2] 齋藤 愛海 「樹枝の曲げひずみ計測に基づいた積雪沈降負荷の測定」
[3] 矢作 和希 「3次元多面体をコア材とした構造体の力学特性評価」

2015年度 (2016.2.15)
[1] 齋藤 直也 「電圧印加によるチタンインプラント表面へのアパタイト形成法」
後日談:関連成果を東北支部学生会にて発表、バイオフロンティア講演会に て発表、修士へ
[2] 仲河 翔平 「組織変性を有する胸部大動脈の力学特性評価に関する研究」
後日談:関連成果を東北支部学生会にて発表、バイオフロンティア講演会にて発 表、修士へ
[3] 矢野 紘章 「ムラサキイガイ貝殻粉末の融雪剤利用に関する研究」
[4] 高坂 信太郎 「アルギン酸カルシウムゲル構造体の作製と変形特性の評価」

[1] 小山内 大地 「熱処理を施したホタテ貝殻粉末の融雪性能評価に関する研究」
後日談:関連研究を東北支部学生会にて発表、バイオエンジニアリング講演 会にて発表、次期世代へ
[2] 菊原 経世 「インソールに設置可能な薄型センサを用いた足裏反力と推進力の同時測定システム」
後日談:関連研究を東北支部学生会にて発表、D&D2015にて 発表、次期世代へ
[3] 須藤 達哉 「採血針刺入時の力学負荷測定に基づいた穿刺挙動の評価」
[4] 伊達 駿斗 「骨誘導促進のためのチタンインプラント表面へのミネラル誘引法に関する研究」
[5] 山田 侑弥 「電位計測による樹木枝の曲げ変形負荷の評価に関する研究」

[1] 工藤 亮汰 「攣縮変性が血管の力学特性に与える影響」
[2] 佐藤 邦明 「変形計測に基づいた樹木の積雪負荷評価に関する研究」
後日談:関連研究を東北支部学生会、非破壊検査協会平成26年度東北支部講演 会、バイオフロンティア講演会にて発表、修士へ
[3] 長谷川 歩 「脱灰処理による皮質骨の衝撃破壊強度の向上に関する研究」
後日談:関連研究を東北支部学生会、非破壊検査協会平成26年度東北支部講演 会、バイオフロンティア講演会にて発表、修士へ

[1] 横山 弘矢 「小型衝撃試験機を用いた生体硬組織の破壊強度評価法」


[1] 但野茂, 藤崎和弘, 柴野純一: X線回折法による生体骨組織内HApの結晶ひずみ測定, 日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 69-685A, pp. 1401-1407 (2003)
[2] 藤崎和弘, 但野茂, 佐々木直樹: X 線回折法による牛大腿皮質骨の引張ひずみ測定, 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌, Vol. 18(3), pp. 37-42 (2004)
[3] K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, N. Sasaki: A Method on Strain Measurement of HAp in Cortical Bone from Diffusive Profile of X-ray Diffraction, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39(3), pp. 579-586 (2006)
[4] K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano: Relationship between Bone Tissue Strain and Lattice Strain of HAp Crystals in Bovine Cortical Bone under Tensile Loading, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 40(8), pp. 1832-1838 (2007)
[5] B. Giri, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh: Microstructure of Bone Around Natural Hole in Bovine Lumbar Vertebra, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 2(1), pp.1-11 (2007)
[6] 中土裕樹, 但野茂, 後藤直子, 藤崎和弘, 中土幸男: エアセル状 ヒップパッドの衝撃緩和効果, 臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, Vol. 28, pp.355-361 (2007)
[7] T. Sera, H. Yokota, K. Fujisaki, H. Tachibana, K. Uesugi, N. Yagi, R. Himeno: Development of High-resolution 4D in vivo-CT for Visualization of Cardiac and Respiratory Deformations of Small Animals, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 53, pp.4285-4301 (2008)
[8] S. Tadano, B. Giri, T. Sato, K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh: Estimating Nanoscale Deformation in Bone by X-ray Diffraction Imaging Method, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 41(5), pp.945-952 (2008)
[9] B. Giri, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh: Understanding Site-specific Residual Strain and Architecture in Bovine Cortical Bone, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 41(15), pp.3107-3115 (2008)
[10] 古城直道, 横田秀夫, 藤崎和弘, 山形豊, 小久保光典, 姫野龍太郎,牧野内昭武, 樋口俊郎: 試料内部3次元情報取得システムによるアルミニウム合金ダイカスト内部の鋳巣観察, 精密工学会誌, Vol. 74(9) (2008)
[11] 古城直道, 横田秀夫, 藤崎和弘, 山形豊, 小久保光典, 姫野龍太郎,牧野内昭武, 樋口俊郎: 逐次精密切削加工による試料内部3次元情報取得システムの開発, 精密工学会誌, Vol. 74(6) (2008)
[12] B. Giri, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, N. Sasaki: Deformation of Mineral Crystals in Cortical Bone Depending on Structural Anisotropy, Bone, Vol. 44, pp.1111-1120 (2009)
[13] K. Fujisaki, H. Yokota, N. Furushiro, Y. Yamagata, T. Taniguchi, R. Himeno, A. Makinouchi, T. Higuchi: Development of Ultra-fine-grain Binderless cBN Tool for Precision Cutting of Ferrous Materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 209, pp.5646-5652 (2009)
[14] S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, M. Katoh, R. Satoh: Streaming Potential of White Matter and Gray Matter in Bovine Spinal Cord under Compressive Loading, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 4(2), pp.239-248 (2009)
[15] 藤崎和弘, 但野茂, 東藤正浩: 脊髄組織の圧縮粘弾性変形と流動電位の関係, 臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, Vol. 30, pp. 173-177 (2009)
[16] K. Fujisaki, H. Yokota, H. Nakatsuchi, Y. Yamagata, T. Nishikawa, T. Udagawa, A. Makinouchi: Observation of Three-dimensional Internal Structure of Steel Materials by Means of Serial Sectioning with Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting, Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 237(1), pp. 89-95 (2010)
[17] K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano: Strain Measurement of Pure Titanium covered with Soft Tissue using X-ray Diffraction, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 132(3), pp. 031004.1-031004.5 (2010)
[18] K. Fujisaki, H. Yokota, N. Furushiro, S. Komatani, S. Ohzawa, Y. Sato, D. Matsunaga, R. Himeno, T. Higuchi, A. Makinouchi: Three-Dimensional Microscopic Elemental Analysis Using an Automated High-Precision Serial Sectioning System, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 17(2), pp. 246-251 (2011)
[19] S. Yamada, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki: Residual Stress Distribution in Rabbit Limb Bones, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 44, pp. 1285-1290 (2011)
[20] S. Yamada, S. Tadano, M. Todoh, K. Fujisaki: Residual Stress Distribution in the Bovine Femoral Diaphysis Measured by Synchrotron, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 114-124 (2011)
[21] K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, N. Asano: Relationship between Streaming Potential and Compressive Stress in Bovine Intervertebral Tissue, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 44(3), pp. 2477-2481 (2011)
[22] K. Fujisaki, N. Yamashita, H. Yokota: An Automated Three-dimensional Internal Structure Observation System Based on High-speed Serial Sectioning of Steel Materials, Precision Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 315-321 (2012)
[23] K. Nishida, N. Iwasaki, K. Fujisaki, T. Funakoshi, T. Kamishima, S. Tadano, A. Minami: Distribution of Bone Mineral Density at Osteochondral Donor Sites in the Patellofemoral Joint among Baseball Players and Controls, The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 40, pp. 909-914 (2012)
[24] D. Momma, N. Iwasaki, N. Oizumi, K. Fujisaki, T. Funakoshi, T. Kamishima, S. Tadano, A. Minami: Alterations in Stress Distribution Patterns through the Forearm Joint Surface of the Elbow in Baseball Players: Using Computed Tomography Osteoabsorptiometry, Journal of Orthopaedic Science, Vol. 17, pp. 253-260 (2012)
[25] K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh, A. Niida, R. Shibuya, S. Kitami, S. Tadano: Orientation and Deformation of Mineral Crystals in Tooth Surfaces, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.10, pp. 176-182 (2012)
[26] S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, H. Suzuki, S. Takao, M. Suga, I. Kajiwara, T. Yamamoto, Y. Jiang, G. Nakamura: Excitation System for Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using Micro MRI, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 463-474 (2012)
[27] R. Salmingo, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, Y. Abe, M. Ito: A Simple Method for in vivo Measurement of Implant Rod Three-dimensional Geometry during Scoliosis Surgery, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 134(5), 054502 (2012)
[28] R. Salmingo, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, Y. Abe, M. Ito: Corrective Forces Analysis for Scoliosis from Implant Rod Deformation, Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 27(6), pp. 545-550 (2012)
[29] S. Yamada, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, Y. Kodaki: Influence of Osteon Area Fraction and Degree of Orientation of HAp Crystals on Mechanical Properties in Bovine Femur, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 46(1), pp. 31-35 (2013)
[30] R. Salmingo, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, Y. Abe, M. Ito: Relationship of Forces Acting on Implant Rods and Degree of Scoliosis Correction, Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 28(2), pp. 122-128 (2013)
[31] K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, J. Unuma, R. Azuma: Experimental Study of Damage Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube as Nano-component of Electronic Devices under High Current Density, Journal of Electronic Packaging (ASME Journal), Vol. 136(4), pp. 041011 , 5pages (2014)
[32] 小山拓馬, 藤崎和弘, 笹川和彦, 飯尾浩平, 津田英一, 山本祐司, 石橋恭之: ラットアキレス腱の引張試験による弾性率評価, 臨床バイオメカニクス, Vol. 35, pp. 303-307, (2014)
[33] H. Suzuki, S. Tadano, M. Goto, S. Yamada, K. Fujisaki, I. Kajiwara, M. Suga, G. Nakamura: Viscoelastic Modulus of Agarose Gels by Magnetic Resonance Elastography using Micro-MRI, Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 2(3), 14-00417, 9 pages (2015)
[34] T. Funakoshi, K. Furushima, D. Momma, K. Endo, Y. Abe, Y. Itoh, K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, N. Iwasaki:
Alteration of Stress Distribution Patterns in the Symptomatic Valgus Instability of the Elbow in Baseball Players Using Computed Tomography Osteoabsorptiometry, American journal of sports medicine, Vol. 44(4), pp. 989-994 (2016)
[35] S. Sato, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa: Damage of Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Network Structure under Electric Current Loading, Mechanical Engineering Journal (JSME), Vol. 3(6), pp. 16-00292 (8 pages) (2016)
[36] K. Fujisaki, A. Hasegawa, H. Yokoyama, K. Sasagawa: Demineralization of Cortical Bone for Improvement of Charpy Impact Fracture Characteristics, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering (JBSE), Vol. 12(3) p.16-00267, 9 pages (2017)
[37] K. Fujisaki, N. Saito, S. Date, K. Sasagawa, Observation of Apatite Formation on Titanium Plate and Bone Surfaces in Electric Stimulation, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.11(6) pp. 902-905 (2017)
[38] N. Furushiro, H. Yokota, S. Nakamura, K. Fujisaki, Y. Yamagata, M. Kokubo, R. Himeno, A. Makinouchi, T. Higuchi, Three-Dimensional Observation of Microstructure of Bone Tissue Using High-Precision Machining, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.11(6), pp. 883-894 (2017)
[39] 其田雅人, 笹川和彦, 藤崎和弘, 森脇健司, 萱場広之: 採血手技の運動および力覚の計測, 臨床バイオメカニクス, Vol.38, pp. 393-398, (2017)
[40] Y. Matsui, T. Funakoshi, D. Momma, A. Miyamoto, K. Endo, K. Furushima, K. Fujisaki, N. Iwasaki, Variation in Stress Distribution Patterns across the Radial Head Fovea in Osteochondritis Dissecans: Predictive Factors in Radiographic Findings, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Vol.27(5), pp. 923-930 (2018.5)
[41] D. Momma, T. Funakoshi, K. Endo, M. Yokota, K. Fujisaki, N. Iwasaki, Alteration in Stress Distribution Patterns through The Elbow Joint Inprofessional and College Baseball Pitchers: Using Computedtomography Osteoabsorptiometry, Journal of Orthopaedic Science, Vol. 23, pp. 948-952 (2018.7)
[42] T. Moriwaki, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, Observation of balloon dilatation pressure distribution by using a flexible thin film sensor, Advanced Experimental Mechanics, Vol.3, pp. 187-191 (2018.8)
[43] R. Kasai, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, S. Saito, H. Koyama, Development of Contact Pressure and Shear Stresses Sensor for Touch Panel, Mechanical Engineering Letters, Vol. 4 18-00257, (2018.10)
[44] T. Moriwaki, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, Adhesion Force Measurement with a Flexible Film-type Sensor, Advanced Experimental Mechanics, Vol.4, pp. 153-156 (2019.8)
[45] T. Moriwaki, K. Sasagawa, Y. Sugawara, K. Fujisaki, T. Mineta, Anode-Side Failure of a Cuprous Oxide Semiconductor Caused by High-Density Current Loading, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.48, pp.6949-6953, (2019.8)
[46] 石井健太,藤崎和弘,笹川和彦,森脇健司, 樹枝の曲げ変形計測と力学解析に基づいた融雪期負荷の推定,東北の雪と生活, Vol. 34, pp. 9-12, (2020.3)
[47] M. Sonoda, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, T. Moriwaki, H. Kayaba, Evaluation of Venipuncture Techniques Based on Measurements of Haptic Sense and Finger Motion, Advanced Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 197-201, (2020.10)
[48] D. Saito, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, K. Fujisaki, Electromigration Damage of Flexible Electronic Lines Printed With Ag Nanoparticle Ink, Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 142(3), 031107, 5pages, (2020.9)
[49] K. Kamei, E. Sasaki, K. Fujisaki, Y. Harada, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Ishibashi, Ulnar Collateral Ligament Dysfunction Increases Stress on The Humeral Capitellum: A Finite Element Analysis, JSES International, Vol. 5(2), pp. 307-313, (2021.3)
[50] R. Takaya, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, K. Fujisaki, Computational evaluation of optimal reservoir and sink lengths for threshold current density of electromigration damage considering void and hillock formation, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 118, 114060, 6 pages, (2021.3)
[51] K. Fujisaki, N. Yamashita, H. Yokota, Multipoint Indentation for Material Identification in Three-dimensional Observation based on Serial Sectioning, Precision Engineering, Vol. 69, pp. 62-67, (2021.5)
[52] K. Fujisaki, A. Kondo, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Development of compact pressing system for muscle activity evaluation in force myography, Mechanical Engineering Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 21-00283.1-7(2021.10)
[53] 瀬田雄元, 笹川和彦, 藤崎和弘, 森脇健司, 薄型力覚センサを利用した穿刺支援システムの開発, 臨床バイオメカニクス, Vol. 42, pp. 9-13, (2021.10)
[54] K. Ishii, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Strain analysis of fruit tree branch under large deflection considering flexural deformation characteristics, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 21-00092.1-12(2022.1)
[55] D. Saito, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, K. Fujisaki, Damage analysis in Ag nanoparticle interconnect line under high-density electric current, Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 144(4): 041012.1-6 (2022)
[56] T. Moriwaki, R. Takaya, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, Experimental evaluation of threshold current density for electromigration damage in Al interconnect line with reservoir and sink structure, Mechanical Engineering Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 22-00035.1-7(2022.4)
[57] K. Osanai, K. Fujisaki, F. Ota, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Demineralization characteristics of cortical bone under voltage application in phosphate-buffered saline, JBSE, Vol. 17(2), pp. 21-00293.1-11 (2022.5)
[58] F. Ota, K. Fujisaki, K. Osanai, K. Sasagawa, A novel method for coating calcium phosphate with trace elements extracted from bone using electrical stimulation, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 133, pp. 105330_1-7, (2022.9)
[59] 工藤雄行, 笹川和彦, 藤崎和弘, 薄型3軸応力センサを用いた介護用ベッド臥床時の褥瘡好発部位における接触応力の計測, 臨床バイオメカニクス, Vol. 43, pp. 319-326, (2022.)
[60] Y. Kudo, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, Film sensor for triaxial contact stress measurements on the human body, Mechanical Engineering Letters, Vol. 9, pp. 22-00309.9pages, (2023.1)

[1] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, J. Shibano: Lattice Strain of HAp Crystals in Bone Tissue Using X-ray Diffraction Method, Proceedings of International Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering, CD-ROM, 2 pages (2002)
[2] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, J. Shibano, N. Sasaki: Relationship between Elastic Modulus and Lattice Strain of HAp Crystals in Bovine Cortical Bone, Proceedings of First Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, pp. 45-46 (2004)
[3] ○S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki: Relationship between Macro Strain and Lattice Strain of Hydroxyapatite in Bone Tissue, Proceedings of SEM X International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, CD-ROM, 6 pages (2004)
[4] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, N. Sasaki: Bone Tissue Strain and Lattice Strain of HAP Crystals under Tensile Loading, Proceedings of IMECE 2004,ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Expo., CD-ROM Vol. 1, 2 pages (2004)
[5] ○M. Todoh, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, T. Kanamori: Anisotropic Modeling of Bone Tissue with Composite Structure of HAp-Collagen, Proceedings of 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, CD-ROM, 2 pages (2005)
[6] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, M. Todoh: Strain Measurement of Cortical Bone under Tensile Loading Using Transmitted X-ray Diffraction, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, CD-ROM, 4 pages (2005)
[7] ○B. Giri, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh: Microstructure of cortical bone around the foramen in bovine lumbar vertebra. Proceedings of 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, pp. 623-627 (2006)
[8] ○T. Sera, K. Uesugi, N. Yagi, H. Yokota, K. Fujisaki, K. Fukasaku, R. Himeno: In vivo-CT system with respiratory and cardiac gating using synchrotron radiation, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.6511, pp. 651103-1-651103-9 (2007)
[9] ○K. Fujisaki, H. Yokota, N. Furushiro, S. Komatani, S. Ohzawa, Y. Sato, R. Himeno, T. Higuchi, A. Makinouchi: Three-dimensional Microscopic Elemental Analyses based on X-ray Fluorescence Analysis combined with NC High-precision Machining Process, 19th International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis Book of Abstracts, pp. 143 (2007)
[10] ○K. Fujisaki, S., Tadano, B. Giri: X-ray Diffraction Imaging System to Measure Strain of HAp Crystals in Bone, 8th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (2008), in Proceedings, CD-ROM, 6 pages (2009)
[11]○B. Giri, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh: Characterization of Mineral Crystallites Deformation Under Tensile Loading, Proceedings of 4th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, pp. 68-69 (2009)
[12] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano, M. Todoh, M. Katoh, R. Satoh: Streaming Potential of Bovine Spinal Cord under Visco-elastic Deformation, IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 23: 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pp.2118-2121 (2009)
[13] ○S. Yamada, S. Tadano, M. Todoh, K. Fujisaki: Residual Stress around Outer Cortical Region in Bovine Femoral Diaphysis, IFMBE Proceedings Vol.25/4 World Congress 2009 on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 109-112 (2009)
[14] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano: Effect of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue on X-ray Strain Measurement of Ti Implant, IFMBE Proceedings Vol.25/4 World Congress 2009 on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 2093-2094 (2009)
[15] ○Y. Kodaki, S. Yamada, K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano: Deformation and Orientation of HAp Crystals at Osteon-scale Structure in Bovine Cortical Bone, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 31, 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, pp. 819-822 (2010)
[16] ○S. Yamada, S. Tadano, M. Todoh, K. Fujisaki: Residual Stresses at the Cortical Bone of the Rabbit Extremities, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 31, 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, pp. 780-783 (2010)
[17] ○B. Giri, S. Tadano, K. Fujisaki: Mechanical Response of Mineral Crystallites as a Tool to Predict Fracture Risks in Bone, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 31, 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, pp. 796-799 (2010)
[18] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Tadano: Stress Measurements of Implanted Ti Plate Covered with Skin like Materials, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 31, 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, pp. 1309-1310 (2010)
[19] ○K. Fujisaki, R. Salmingo, S. Tadano, Y. Abe, M. Ito: Corrective Force Analysis in Spinal Rods Fixation for Scoliosis Deformity, Proceedings of 2011 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), CD-ROM, 1 page (2011)
[20] ○K. Fujisaki, N. Asano, S. Tadano: Streaming Potential Properties of Bovine Intervertebral Tissue in Confined Compression, Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, CD-ROM, 2 pages (2011)
[21] ○K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, T. Yanagi: Numerical Study of Allowable Current Density for Electromigration Damage of Multilevel Interconnection in Integrated Circuit, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Fracture, CD-ROM, 8 pages (2013)
[22] K. Sasagawa, ○K. Fujisaki, J. Unuma, R. Azuma: Experimental Study of Damage Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube as Nano-component of Electronic Devices under High Current Density, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, CD-ROM, 5 pages (2013)
[23] K. Sasagawa, ○S. Tsukahara, Y. Osato, K. Fujisaki: Measurement System of Contact Pressure Distribution between Soft Tissues of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx, Proceedings of APCB2013, CD-ROM, 1page, (2013)
[24] K. Fujisaki, H. Narita, ○K. Sasagawa: Numerical Analysis of Allowable Current Density for Electromigration of Interconnect Tree Structure with Reservoir, Proceedings of InterPACKICNMM2015 (ASME), on-line, 5 pages (2015)
[25] ○K. Fujisaki, S. Ogawa, R. Kasai, K. Sasagawa: Development of Thin and Flexible Sensor System for Stress Evaluation of Contact Interface, 2016 Design of Medical Devices Conference (poster), Journal of Medical Devices, 2pages (2016)
[26] ○R. Kasai, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki: Development of Sensing System of Three-Axis Stress for Touch Panel Operation, Proceedings of International Conference on APCFS2016, 16-204, pp. 309-310 (2016)
[27] ○H. Kikuchi, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki: Effect of Taper Shape of IC Line on Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage, Proceedings of International Conference on APCFS2016, 16-204, pp. 111-112 (2016)
[28] ○H. Kikuchi, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki: Evaluation of Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage Considering Passivation Thickness, ICAEESE 2016 Conference Paper Collection, pp. 189-192 (2016)
[29] ○R. Takaya, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, T. Moriwaki: Relationship Between Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage Considering Void and Hillock Formation and Reservoir Shape in Interconnect Line, ASME 2017 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (IPACK2017), 5 pages, (2017)
[30] H. Kikuchi, K. Sasagawa, ○K. Fujisaki: Analysis for Evaluation of Threshold Current Density of Electromigration Damage in Taper-Shaped Metal Line, ASME 2017 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (IPACK2017), 5 pages, (2017)
[31] ○N. Saito, K. Fujisaki, T. Moriwaki, K. Sasagawa: Effect of Voltage-induced Apatite Deposition Process on Mechanical Properties of Demineralized Bone Tissue, The 12th International Symposium in Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (ISEM), 4 pages, (2017)
[32] ○S. Nakagawa, K. Fujisaki, T. Moriwaki, K. Sasagawa: Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Microscopic Structure of Aortic Tissue by Means of Peeling Tests, The 12th International Symposium in Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (ISEM), 4 pages, (2017)
[33] ○T. Moriwaki, A. Saito, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, Development of Tube-type Pressure Distribution Sensor for Performance Evaluation of Endovascular Device, The 12th International Symposium in Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (ISEM), 4 pages, (2017)
[34] ○K. Ishii, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Stress Analysis of Fruit Tree Branch considering Flexural Deformation Characteristics under Actual Loading, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019 (ATEM'19), 1page, (2019)
[35] ○D. Saito, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, K. Fujisaki, Damege of Flexible Electronic Line Printed with Ag Nanoparticle Ink Due To High-Current Density, ASME 2019 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK 2019), 5pages, (2019)
[36] ○R. Horiuchi, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, Damage of flexible electronic line under mechanical and electrical stress loading, ASME 2021 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK 2021), 4pages, (2021.10)

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[4] 笹川和彦, 藤崎和弘:整形外科バイオメカニクス 生体に作用する応力計測, 非破壊検査, 62(10), pp. 515-521(2013)
[5] 笹川和彦, 藤崎和弘:薄型接触応力センサの開発と生体応用, 非破壊検査, 70(4), 6 pages (2021)
[6] 笹川和彦, 藤崎和弘:高密度電流下におけるフレキシブル金属ナノ粒子配線の損傷, 金属ナノ粒子、微粒子の合成、調整と最新応用技術, 株式会社技術情報協会, pp. 194-201 (2021.10)
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[1] H.Yokota, ○K. Fujisaki, N. Furushiro, Y. Yamagata, N. Yamashita: Three-dimensional Internal Structure Observation for Industrial Materials by Means of High Precision Serial Sectioning System, Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials 18, Sendai, Japan (2009): 口頭
[2] ○K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh, S. Tadano: X-ray Stress Measurement of Bone Tissue, Bio Frontier Symposium 2010, Japan-Korea Joint Session, Kanazawa, Japan (2010): 口頭
[3] ○K. Fujisaki, M. Todoh, S. Tadano: Orientation and Deformation of Apatite Crystals in Tooth Enamel, The First ETH-Japan Workshop on Science and Computing, Engelberg, Switzerland (2012):口頭
[4] ○K. Fujisaki, H. Yokoyama, M. Todoh, S. Tadano: Effect of Apatite Crystal Alignments on Anisotropic Fracture Characteristics of Cortical Bone, Korea-Japan Joint Session at KSME/BIO Spring Conference, YeoSu, Korea (2013):口頭
[5] ○H. Suzuki, M. Suga, K. Fujisaki, I. Kajiwara, G. Nakamura, S. Tadano: Modulus Distribution of Agarose Gel Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Micro-MRI, International Symposium on IREMD, Hirosaki, Japan (2013): ポスター
[6] ○T. Oyama, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki: Development of Tactile Sensing System for Haptic Interface, International Symposium on IREMD, Hirosaki, Japan (2013): ポスター
[7] ○S. Tsukahara, K. Sasagawa, R. Ishikawa, K. Fujisaki, Measurement System of Contact Pressure Distribution in Oral Cavity during Swallowing and Articulation, International Symposium on IREMD, Hirosaki, Japan (2013): ポスター
[8] ○K. Fujisaki, H. Yokoyama, A. Hasegawa, K. Sasagawa, Effect of Demineralization on Impact Fracture Characteristics of Bovine Cortical Bone Tissue, The 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, USA (2014): ポスター
[9] ○K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, D. Narita, Damage Observation of CNT Networked Structure under High Current Density, InterPACKICNMM2015, San Francisco, USA(2015):口頭
[10] ○K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, H. Narita, Evaluation of Allowable Current Density for Electromigration Damage in Via-connected Interconnect, EMAP2015, Portland, USA(2015):口頭
[11] ○A. Hasegawa, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, Improvement of Impact Toughness of Cortical Bone by means of Local Demineralization of Defect Area on Structure, (Proceedings of )The 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, p. 303 (2015):ポスター
[12] ○S. Ogawa, N. Kikuhara, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, Measurements of Contact Pressure and Shear Stress on The Sole of Foot by Using Thin and Flexible Sensor, (Proceedings of) The 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, p. 320 (2015):ポスター
[13] ○K. Sato, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, Prediction of Deformation Damages of Tree Branches based on Bending Analysis and Bioelectric Response Measurements, (Proceedings of) The 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, p.357 (2015):ポスター
[14] ○R. Kasai, K. Sasagawa, K. Fujisaki, S. Saito, H. Koyama: Development of Transparent Sensor of Three-axis Stress Distribution for Haptic Interface, The 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, p. 133(-134), (2016):ポスター
[15] ○K. Ishii, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Stress Analysis of Fruit Tree Branch considering Flexural Deformation Characteristics under Actual Loading, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019 (ATEM'19), 1page, (2019) :口頭
[16] ○T. Igarashi, K. Fujisaki, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Analysis of Fatigue Behavior in Forearm Muscle based on Evaluation of Muscular Endurance Characteristics using Force Myography, The 17th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, (2019.12): 口頭
[17] ○F. Ota, K. Fujisaki, K. Osanai, K. Sasagawa, T. Moriwaki, Change in mechanical properties of cortical bone under voltage application for formation of mineral components, ISB2021, (2021.7.26): 口頭
[18] ○F. Ota, K. Fujisaki, R. Tahara, K. Sasagawa, A method for adjustment of bone hydroxyapatite using voltage application, APBiomech2021, (2021.12.4): ポスター

[1] 横田秀夫, 藤崎和弘, 山形豊, 古城直道, 姫野龍太郎, 牧野内昭武, 樋口俊郎, 谷口尚: 切削工具とこれを用いた切削方法,特願2008-059029, 出願日2008.3.10, 公開番号 2009-214213, 公開日 2009.9.24
[2] 藤崎和弘, 但野茂: 高精度電磁波回折測定装置, 特願2010-000167, 出願日2010.1.4, 公開番号 2011-137781, 公開日 2011.7.14
[3] 横田秀夫, 藤崎和弘, 田桐英敏, 大島英美: 加工装置、及び当該装置の駆動方法, 特願2010-079270, 出願日2010.3.30, 公開番号 2011-206899, 公開日 2011.10.20
[4] 但野茂, 梶原逸郎, 藤崎和弘, 高尾聖心, 中村玄, 江渝, 菅幹生: MRE用の加振装置、加振システム、および加振方法, 特願2010-188514, 出願日2010.8.25, 登録番号 5773171, 公開日 2013.10.28
[5] 藤崎和弘, 近藤絢音, 五十嵐達也, 笹川和彦, 森脇健司: 装着式筋硬度計測器, 特願2019-126881, 出願日2019.7.8
[6] 他大学から
[7] 理研関連
[8] 医工連携関連
