
弘前大学大学院 花田研究室

Welcome to Hanada Lab.

In recent years, much attension has been paid to ultrashort pulsed laser (i.e., femtosecond laser) processing of various materials. The imprtant feature of ultrafast laser processing is that it reduces heat diffusion to surrounding regions of the processed area, resulting in high-quality micro/nanofabrication of soft materials. Another important aspect of ultrafast laser processing is nonlinear absorption (i.e., multiphoton absorption) that can induce strong absorption even inside transparent materials, resulting in 3D fabrication of the materials.

Using these features, in our lab., we investigate (1) 3D micro/nanofabrication of various transparent materials using femtosecond laser for bio-medical applicaitons such as µ-TAS and lab-on-a-chip, (2) apply the fabricated micro/nano platforms for observation and diagnosis of living cells and microorganisms. (3) We also develop high-quality surface microfabrication of various materials using conventional lasers. Putting a side from laser processing, (4) we develop medical systems for practical use in the field of clinical descipline.



TEL 0172-39-3681
FAX 0172-39-3684
Email y-hanada@hirosaki-u.ac.jp